Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 5, 2011


Stunning Green Roofed High School by Off Architecture

by Bridgette Meinhold, 09/23/09
green roof, natural daylight, france, off architecture, high school, green roofed school
High school students in Revin, France will soon be attending classes in a stunning new terraced building covered in green roofs. Seen from above the new Lycee Jean Moulin school will simply appear as a terraced landscape, practically disappearing into the hillside. Designed by Paris-based, Off Architecture in association with Duncan Lewis Scape Architecture and Jeans Giacinto, this green roofed marvel is curvaceous and organic, blending into the countryside. We’re admittedly a bit jealous – our high schools weren’t nearly as cool.

green roof, natural daylight, france, off architecture, high school, green roofed school
This sustainable school will be built to utilize the constraints of the slope, receding and elevating up the hillside. Each terraced level is one single floor and has high windows to capture a lot of natural daylight. Rather than remain flat, the roof undulates in gentle waves across the level for a more natural look and is covered with vegetation to blend in with the surrounding landscape.
Set to be completed in 2012, these students will be attending class in a beautiful and natural looking environment. Their one complaint might be that it looks like they’ll be getting plenty of exercise, hiking up the interior hill of their school every day to get to class.

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